Strategy To Actions


It was never about setting great strategies, companies always succeed to generate great strategies but fails to deliver as promised. Cascading organizational strategies downwards has been always a challenge. Linking plans, actions and targets to strategy in most of cases seems like a nightmare. Measuring performance and results to strategy achievement is another challenge.

“Strategy to Action” is designed carefully to answer those challenges and provide a framework and roadmap into achieving strategic objectives with tangible results


Understand the hierarchy of strategy.

Understand and implement the necessary tools to cascade strategy into action.

Understand and implement the necessary tools to generate action plans.

Understand and implement the necessary tools to set proper KPI’s.

Target audience

Middle management

Program Details

Training Methodology

In class session

Case study

Strategy workbook with templates

Training Outcome

Understand the hierarchy of strategy

Understand and implement analysis tools

Understand and setting branch strategic priorities

Understand and setting the goals into strategic priorities

Understand and cascading goals to operational objectives

Understand and setting operational action and action plans

Understand and setting operational KPI’s


Understand the hierarchy of strategy

Hierarchy of strategy from vision to action

Definitions of hierarchy components

How hierarchy is developed

Link between different hierarchy components

Understand and implement analysis tools





The bank

Understand and setting strategic priorities

Environmental Zone matrix

Environmental sales model

TOWS matrix

Balanced score card

Setting  strategic priorities

Understand and setting the goals into strategic priorities

Translating the strategic priorities into annual goals

Mapping annual goals with strategy

Understand and cascading goals to operational objectives

Breaking down goals into quarter objectives with SMART measurement

Ensure objectives are align with strategic priorities

Understand and setting operational action and action plans

Setting tangible action plans for the objectives

Allocate necessary resources into the action plans

Understand and setting operational KPI’s

Setting KPI’s for each action in the action plan

Setting KPI’s for each function in the action plan

Performance review as per the set KPI’s


The training session is designed for 24 hrs of training over 3 Days

Each round with 20 participant

Delivery language

Presentation material in English or Arabic

Delivery in both Arabic and English


Good command of English language

About The Trainer