IBC Responds to WEF Outlook 2023 -2027

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 |  Category: Trendy Skills

IBC updates As future of jobs dynamically changes, required skills are on the move too. here in IBC we always update our training methodologies, skills and competencies to match the new trends. As agility in the core IBC has a full development track to catch the latest required skilling and reskilling of individuals to meet […]

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Skills Outlook 2023 -2027

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 |  Category: Trendy Skills

Core skills in 2023 Share of organizations surveyed which consider skills to be core skills for their workforce. Estimated average composition of the skill sets of workers in organizations surveyed. Skills are ranked and ordered by the share of organizations surveyed which consider the skill as core to their workforce International Skill Outlook 2023 – […]

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WEF Future of Jobs 2023 – 2027

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 |  Category: Trendy Skills

Since its first edition in 2016, the World Economic Forum’s bi-annual Future of Jobs Report has tracked the labour-market impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, identifying the potential scale of occupational disruption and growth alongside strategies for empowering job transitions from declining to emerging roles. In 2023, labour-market transformations driven by technological breakthroughs, such as […]

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