Leading In VUCA


While the world is rapidly changing, leadership becomes more than just another soft skill.

The era of leadership as we used to know is left way behind. New challenges are arising on daily basis bringing uncertainty, risks and volatility.

The new leaders are the ones who will be able to deal in such fast-moving environment and lead their organizations safely within.


Understand what VUCA World is

Acquire Required Skills for VUCA Leaders

How to lead within the VUCA world

Target audience

Top Management

Middle management

Program Details

Training Methodology

In class session

Case study

Leadership workbook with templates

Training Outcome

Understand what is VUCA

What are the challenges they might face

How to develop themselves in front of them

How to lead within the VUCA world


Definition of VUCA

The history of VUCA

Difference between the world we know and the VUCA world

What are the challenges VUCA brings

How to develop a VUCA leader

VUCA and Agility

The Response to each of the VUCA challenges

The qualities of a VUCA leader

Lead in VUCA World


The training session is designed for 16 hrs of training over 2 Days

Each round with 20 participant

Delivery language

Presentation material in English or Arabic

Delivery in both Arabic and English


Good command of English language

About The Trainer