Business Writing


Clear communication is one of the most important yet underrated skills in the business world. Since most of our communication is written, we often lose a big percentage of the core message. For this reason, business writing etiquette is more than just a style of writing, it is a code of communication and good communicators are key for the success of any business.

The skills learned in this course will increase your capacity to think more clearly, communicate more effectively and avoid common mistakes.


Understand different types of documents.

Understand the characteristics of business writing.

Differentiate between business and other types of writing.

Recognize and avoid common spelling, stylistic and syntax.

Target audience

Top Management

Middle management

Program Details

Training Methodology

In class session

Case study


Convert colloquial sayings into business writing

Is this professional or not?

Create a template




Examples of good writing and bad writing

What is the value of presentation?


No nos comic sans

Correct common mistakes.


Training Outcome

Adequately phrase the information in clear and simple writing.

Choose the correct type of writing for the relevant audience.

Create a unified template for future internal correspondences.


The importance of clear writing and unified style

Business writing vs. other types of writing

Types of business writing

Instructional Writing

Informational Writing

Transactional Writing

Persuasive Writing

How does the audience influence our choice of writing ?

Characteristics of business writing

Know your message

Write it clearly (Easy to scan)

Avoid jargon

L.O.T. — “bottom line on top.”

Revise, revise, revise

Important Dos and don’ts

International standards in business writing



The training session is designed for 16 hrs of training over 2 Days

Each round with 20 participant

Delivery language

Presentation material in English or Arabic

Delivery in both Arabic and English


Good command of English language

Prepared By

Dr. Alaa Badr