Leading With a Global Perspective


As firms reach across borders, global-leadership capacity is surfacing more and more often as a binding constraint. According to one survey of senior executives, 76 percent believe their organizations need to develop global-leadership capabilities, but only 7 percent think they are currently doing so very effectively And some 30 percent of US companies admit that they have failed to exploit fully their international business opportunities because of insufficient internationally competent personnel.


Recognize the impact of globalization on your business.

Understand the mindset, knowledge, and skills required to execute your global responsibilities.

Enhance your effectiveness to lead in a global environment.

Commit to actions you will take to positively impact the business.

Target audience

Middle management

Top Management

Program Details

Training Methodology

In class session

Case study


Leadership workbook with templates

Training Outcome

Recognize the impact of globalization on your business.

Demonstrate the adaptability required to succeed in a global environment.

Strive to expose yourself to a variety of key experiences critical to conducting global business.

Make decisions that incorporate global considerations.

Help others understand the impact of globalization.


Core Leadership Skills

Global Acumen

Understands the organization’s global strategy.

Maintains global awareness.

Enhances global impact.

Cultural Competence

Concept of Culture

Six Levels of Culture

Four Key Cultural Skills


The training session is designed for 16 hrs of training over 2 Days

Each round with 20 participant

Delivery language

Presentation material in English or Arabic

Delivery in both Arabic and English


Good command of English language